Health and Wellness

 For some reason, most people believe that when you become a Christian, you’re no longer interested in such activities that involve health and wellness. Contrary to what you’ve heard, Christians are interested in activities that involve health; the difference is we as Christians have a solution…our faith. Today’s topic, Health and Wellness, is one that impacts us all in some way or another. Share your plans and the actions you take towards health and wellness.

To get you started, here are a few ideas and questions:

  • In what ways do you stay fit?
  • Give some examples of healthy food choices.
  • Give some good exercising tips.
  • Upload an exercising video.
  • What is a key component in trying to stay fit?
  • How is staying healthy important to you?
  • How do you get Kingdom fit?
  • What is your exercise regimen?
  • How often do you exercise?

It’s that time again; time for you to “BeTheSohrs”. Share with your world what we, Christians, do!

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