How Do You Share Jesus in the Workplace?

Can we even say “Jesus” in the workplace today? This is becoming more and more debatable in our society. John Maxwell once shared his strategy for sharing Jesus in his leadership conferences; he uses a bait and hook tactic with his audience so that they ask for his secret tips. He would reference a leadership idea that was totally influenced by his faith and Christians beliefs without saying where they originated.

For example, he makes a statement similar to this… “I’ll only tell those who are interested and willing to stay behind after the main lecture.” To his surprise many of the attendees would and John had the privilege of sharing his faith and being an instrument for God leading business leaders to Christ.

How do you share Jesus in the workplace? Share your strategy with us and the world. #BeTheSohrs

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What are some healthy ways to deal with stress?

You may not know this, but stress is a big killer.  It creates problems in every area of your life (i.e your home, your job, your marriage, even your health).  

Stress isn’t something that God places on us.  In fact, He says give your cares, the things that stress you, to Him.  The question we must ask is how do we do it?  This week’s focus is “what are some healthy ways to deal with stress?”.  

Join us as we share in the topic and discuss the problems we face and the solutions we have for this problem.  This is what we, Christians, do.  The time is now!  #BeTheSohrs

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Like Jesus

Did you know that your point of view can be unique? As a matter of fact, it is unique? What does that say for a group of individuals? Can they too have differing points of views? How can we tell which point of view is correct? Or do we just take them all to be correct? In this week’s “BeTheSohrs” focus, we can identify one point of view that never changes; it’s Jesus’ point of view. “How can we change the way we see things to be more like Him?” This is important because when we impose our various ways of seeing things on others, sometimes how Jesus’ sees it gets lost.
It’s time; our time to join in and #BeTheSohrs.

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Halloween Afterthoughts

It’s Halloween; how do you feel about that? This holiday has been controversial for Christians for quite some time now. Halloween, if you do your homework, has its roots in both Christianity and the ancient festival of Samhain. Nonetheless, most do view it as not having any Christian roots; what do you think? Share your thoughts and afterthoughts with us.

Share an idea you have.
What are some Christian alternatives to Halloween?
Show us a picture of you carving a pumpkin.
Share pictures of your Halloween decorations.
What treats do you make for Halloween?
What does your church do for Halloween?

Now is a great time for you to show your world what Christians do! Let’s do it together, BeTheSohrs!

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Favorite Miracle of Jesus

Fueled from previous topics, we thought of another way to profess our admiration and love for Jesus. The reason Jesus is so popular is because of the miracles He did. He performed miracle after miracle, even his last act on earth was a miracle. From turning water into wine, raising the dead, and being raised from the dead Himself, Jesus was all about miracles and doing good. This week’s topic is “Share Your Favorite Miracle of Jesus.”

Here are a few actions to help you connect and share in this week’s topic:

  • Share a miracle that Jesus performed.
  • Describe a miracle of Jesus that many people may not be aware of.
  • What is your favorite miracle in the Bible?
  • Which miracle of Jesus did you learn from the most?
  • Share a miracle that has happened in your life.
  • Which miracle of Jesus means the most to you?
  • How has a miracle shaped your life?

Remember, everyone isn’t as familiar with Jesus as you and so here’s your opportunity to share why He is such a hero to you. It’s time you joined in and show your world what Christians do. Let’s do it together; let’s #BeTheSohrs!

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Stop Complaining And Appreciate What You Have

Our society is known for complaining and being very unappreciative. It’s time we did something to be the difference.
The Bible refers to complaining as “murmuring”. We hear a lot of this type chatter all around us. What can we do to decrease and even put a stop to the murmuring?

For many of our followers, this is a problem and for others it is not. For those who wrestle with complaining, tell us how it gets the best of you, and for you who’ve mastered it, share your input into how. This week’s BeTheSohrs focus is “tell us how you have learned to stop complaining and appreciate what you have?”

It’s time, your time, to #BeTheSohrs!

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Overcoming the Comparison Trap

Today’s #BeTheSohrs focus is how you overcome the comparison trap.  The one thing having choices does is eliminates the need to compare.  When you have choices, you don’t need to compare what you have to what others have.  Because of the database of churches and resources has, you no longer have to worry with comparing your church to another’s.  You can find the resources just right for you.

While this might be true for followers, it’s not true for the world around you.  Others need to know how you overcome the comparison trap in general.  Comparison can be tough, BTS (BeTheSohrs) today by sharing how you have overcome the comparison trap.

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Share Ways in Which You Encourage Others to Be The Sohrs (#BeTheSohrs)

Due to the various storms, threats, violence and chaos happening in our world, it’s up to the Church to make a difference.  That means you.  It’s easier than you may think.  We don’t have to look far to be the difference in the world around us.  The times are showing us that our world needs us.  If not us then who? If not now then when?

This week’s #BeTheSohrs focus is “Share ways in which you encourage others to Be The Sohrs!”  It’s our time to do what only we, Christians can do.  It’s time to be the difference.  It’s time to BeTheSohrs!

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Do You Pray Daily?

Prayer has to be the most important activity in which Christians participate.  It’s how we connect Heaven to Earth.  Praying is just what we do!  This week’s #BeTheSohrs focus is share our social media post or a post of your own if you make prayer a part of your day.  If nothing else [Heart] if you pray daily.  It’s time you showed your world, what Christians do best!  #BeTheSohrs

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Favorite Bible Story

The best way to enjoy your Christian experience is by connecting with your bible. What do we mean by that? Can you identify with any of its stories? Which ones have the most meaning for you? This week’s BeTheSohrs topic is “Favorite Bible Story or Parable”. Let us into what it is about your bible that connects with you.

Here’s how you can share yours with your social world:

  • Tell us about your favorite Bible story and why?
  • Share which Bible story you relate to?
  • Give us the Bible story that inspires you?
  • If you could have been a part of any Bible story which would it be?
  • Which Bible story motivates you?

It’s your time and we want to know what Bible story has impacted you. Let’s do what we, Christians, do best… #BeTheSohrs

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Don’t forget to tag your posts with #BeTheSohrs or #TheSohrs.